
The creative process is often called a "brainstorm." This is because the creative process is often a time of intense thinking and idea generation. The goal is to come up with as many ideas as possible, even if some of them are not very good. This process can be used for any type of creative project, such as writing a paper, painting a picture, or designing a new product.

The first step in the brainstorm is to gather as many ideas as possible. This can be done by thinking of everything you can possibly think of related to the project. It can also help to talk to other people about the project and get their ideas.

The next step is to group the ideas together. This can be done by thinking about how the ideas are related, or by putting them into categories.

The next step is to evaluate the ideas. This can be done by thinking about how practical the ideas are, how feasible they are, and how original they are.

The final step is to choose the best ideas. This can be done by thinking about the goals of the project and choosing the ideas that will help achieve those goals.

Y + G + D + B


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